Category Archives: Gaspari Nutrition

[REVIEW] SuperPump250

I have taken this before and it made me feel like a beast.
superpump250_Gaspari from
I ordered it again and last Tuesday tried 1 sample packet in a 6 oz glass of water, well-shaken (shake WELL or you might feel bloat-y), and did a full hour on arms and still had more to give (excerpt below)


Yesterday I took my SuperPump250 and was REVVING!!! I actually did a full hour of bis and tris (usually 40 min) and was ready to do a billion situps and run 3 miles. Unfortunately I had somewhere I needed to be so had to cut it short with only a 1 hour workout.  DEFINITELY going to use it again today for legs. RAWR!

Flavors I have tried:

  • Energizing Orange – 7/10 – good, but pretty tart and I get sick of orange flavored stuff pretty quick
  • Raspberry Lemonade – 9/10 – tastes almost like real raspberry lemonade except a bit more tart
  • Fruit Punch – 10/10 – tastes like kool-aid!


I have MAJOR crash about 5-6 hours or so afterward, but I am KILLING it at the gym, so I would be whipped anyway. It’s a pretty hard crash though haha so be ready with a cup of joe if you still have more work day after hitting a mid-day break at the gym. 🙂  I will probably up my dose to 2 next week. I am LOVING this stuff.

Any advice?

If you’ve tried this or something comparable let me know!  My trainer uses Jacked and claims it is more potent. If you’ve tried either of these please let me know your thoughts/experience. I’m curious to know what will fuel my workouts best.

Order Superpump250 at

FINE: Freaked-out, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional


So for 2 weeks I was not doing so good with the diet plan.  Having a cheat here and there and everywhere.  They were all relatively minuscule or even healthy so my brain was not red-flagging me. Then it hit me what I was doing and it made me scared that I wouldn’t be able to pull through when it really mattered. I sent out a scared-helpless sounding email to my trainer confessing what I had done.  She then had me log my food for 1 week.  I did better that week, but still had 4 out of 7 days that were not to plan. 3 of those 4 had a cheat meal or cheat snack in addition to the meal plan.

Susan broke it down for me – right now its muscle building time, later it will be highly critical that I lean out, but until she says  “NO CHEATING”, then I shouldn’t beat myself up because I’m allowed a bad day or even a bad week.  She explained to me that its a hard thing to adapt to and she shared about her initial experience in the sport.  She said it IS hard, but it will get easier.  She made me feel like I could kick this thing 🙂 She made me feel less terrible and more ready to get back on track.

I am indeed back on track! I also saw my friend‘s progress pic, who started at about the same time as me, and she looks phenomenal!


Yesterday I took my SuperPump250 and was REVVING!!! I actually did a full hour of bis and tris (usually 40 min) and was ready to do a billion situps and run 3 miles. Unfortunately I had somewhere I needed to be so had to cut it short with only a 1 hour workout.  DEFINITELY going to use it again today for legs. RAWR!

People who have motivated me this week to press on and stay true to the lifestyle:

Luke, my husband

Susan Groshek, my trainer

Donloree, training for her first competition (THIS WEEKEND) and still managed to stay true during Canadian Thanksgiving dinner!

Needless to say, I am going to stay positive.  I will push it hard at the gym realizing that now is the time to stack muscle. I will diet true. If I fail, I will not dwell on it. I will pick myself up and go with gusto into the next moment.  Now is the time.

Let’s do this.

Training like a BEAST! (with Gaspari SuperPump250)

Yesterday I was so exhuasted – A natural result of 1 week of sleep deprivation and moving into a new apartment. There have been so many people around me getting sick so I decided to take off a little early to nap before the gym. I knew I wouldn’t get to sleep till 11p at the soonest and then still have to wake up early for work, so the nap was a good choice.

I downed my pre-workout drink and headed straight to the gym. The beast ws unleashed! I had the best workout!! My 6mph run felt like a JOG!! my hammers, curls, and shoulder pressess were all completed successfully and with increased weight. I finished off with a nice 15 min cardio and 15 min abs. It was glorious. I wanted to do more, but all that energy masked my true ability…I didnt want to hurt myself so I cut it off where I knew a good limit was.

The bummer part of yesterday…after I got home the husband made me a lean protein shake and scolded me that I wasn’t eating enough for dinner. I ignored his advice but appreciated his concern. After finishing the shake, I took a shower, cooked him dinner, and thought SURELY I will fall RIGHT TO SLEEP because I am so exhausted. Nope. it was way past midnight and I was still wide awake. Darn you energy drink.

BUT I woke up today a little groggy so grabbed a bold brew at starbucks and I have been good to go ever since! My hearty breakfast and snacks helped too. Still waiting to be picked up for lunch with the husband…HURRY UP HUSBAND, I’M STARVING!!! ^_^