Tag Archives: t-fal

Acti-Fry: Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Cinnamon

Acti-Fry: Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Cinnamon! This complex carb is fabulous in the acti-fry. I cube the potatoes into bite size pieces, drizzle with a bit of peanut oil, then sprinkle with a lot of cinnamon and a bit of sea salt.  Set the timer and walk away! Acti-fry successful attempt #4.  Trying to think up something to try next….hmm…any ideas?Faith Keith - Sweet potato fries in t-fal Acti-Fry

Try my Spicy Sweet Potato Oven Fries recipe they bake in the oven to a delicious crisp :)

Project: 10 Days of Veggies (reinstated) ^_^


Weighing, measuring, chopping and cooking.  Competitors keep busy so we are always looking for ways that we can improve efficiency in the kitchen.

I give you…the Acti-fry

T-fal Acti Fry machine

Bakes my sweet potatoes with zero preheating oven time.  I can stir fry my chicken and veggies together with barely any oil (or none).  What else can it do? I don’t know yet! But so far, I am enjoying throwing my food and spices in and walking away to do the laundry or kick my feet up while my “chef” finishes preparing my meal.

I love to cook though…so it definitely takes all the fun out of a wonderful gourmet experience, but it is great for those quickie meals or packing up meals 3, 4, and 5.  Meal 6 can be my magical time of creating flavor explosions.

Have you tried this? Let me know what you think!

Find out what’s cookin:  www.faithkeith.com